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Coral Vue Hydros

Crakeur Vs. The Algae


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Round One:


Armed with a new toothbrush, I attacked the hair where it lives. Armed with Algone, I attacked the hair where it breaths. Rocks removed, some scrubbed and returned. The tank is in a bit of disarray and there is still some strands floating around that will continue to get caught on my acros. I will remove them as I can and continue to scrub daily, changing the water every other day.


No food, limited lighting, no dosing.


The tank actually looks better after day one. Xenia colonies are all extended as large as I have seen them. The remaining two acros are still looking healthy and a bit of growth does seem to be taking place. The lettuce nudibranch has been a small help but a help nonetheless. Hermit crabs are useless, unless you like having them knock things over and kill a fighting conch (not much of a fighter I guess).


Round one is over and Crakeur has taken it.

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