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Is this a good 10g set-up?


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I've been planning on setting up a 10g nano for a while, and I think this time I'm going to do it. I wanted to run the set-up I had in mind by everyone first:


-10g all glass aquarium

-need recomendations on the lighting although I plan to build the hood. (also where is a good place to buy it?)

-15lb. of live rock and live sand.

-50W heater.

-HOB filter with carbon and filter floss.

-Power head. (How would I stop things from getting caught in it. Could I use an aquarium sponge and keep it cleaned?

-Could I use bottled water? Any specific kind? (I plan to do weekly 1 gallon changes with daily freshwater top off.) Is it necessary? I have well-water that is not treated.

-Will I eventually get some growth (polyps, mushrooms, etc.) from the live rock, or is it just "live" because of the bacteria?

-Do I need any chemical additives or is that specific to the livestock?

-What is a good cleanup crew.

-I plan to only have one fish, possibly a Damsel or Clown.


Thanks in advance for everyone's help!:)

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The water used most often in reef tanks is RO water (reverse osmosis). You can buy a RO unit to purify tapwater, or you can buy RO water by the gallon at most grocery stores. For a good cleanup crew, get a variety of snails and crabs (Hermits, Astreas, Ceriths, Turbos..) get a good book on reef tanks, it'll help a lot.


Hope this helps

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I recommend a 2x32 watt pc system if you can afford it. It fits perfectly over a 10 gallon and given enough space above the water line it will not cause you a heat nightmare. Remember to take your sweet time, the longer you hold out (I know it's really tough to do) the less mistakes that will occur. I found it best to purchase all my equipment in stages and to not set up the tank until everything I needed was on hand. I researched every possible option for every piece of equipment for at LEAST two weeks before I bought it. Being a student and having a mortgage did not allow me to buy everything in one shot and to tell you the truth, it's the only time that being poor has benefitted me. Trust me on this, patience is a virtue. Also, ask more questions, and read more posts......this site will/can be the best resource you have available to you, remember to do searches before you ask.

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Your clean up crew should be small hermits, like blue legged or something similar, not the large ones as they are probably going to eat your coral.


I would probably go 10 pounds live sand and 10 of live rock.


See the post about TOO Much Light for some ideas on how much light but basically it depends on what you are planning on keeping in the tank.


Don't use normal Bottled water, Do use Distilled or RO/DI bottled water.


Additives? depends on what you are keeping for inverts. Shrimp, and some soft corals may need additional Iodide suppliment, depends also on what salt you are going to use..... See the Search button to hear what people have to say about salts, there have been hundereds of posts in the last two weeks regarding salt.


Yes an aquarium sponge over the intake for your HOB filter and your Power head will work fine, keep it clean. I wouldn't use the carbon though, at least not all the time, maybe run the carbon for 24 hours the day before you do your water change.

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Don't use normal Bottled water, Do use Distilled or RO/DI bottled water.

Yup, I have to agree 100%. I made the mistake of thinking (without researching, Doh!) that RO water was Phosphate-free. Nuh-uh. It's not. That's what DI does for you - removes the Phosphates & a slew of other stuff. I'm paying for my mistake with a tank full of freakin' algae.


Good luck...

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Thanks for everyone's help! (I'll be sure to use distilled water only.)


I ready to order some parts! I think I'm going with www.drsfostersmith.com for my lights. I want to get the ] http://www.drsfostersmith.com/shop2/shop2p...912711&siteid=6 (65 W Single Ballast PC for 49.99). I want to go with either the 36W 50/50 for 25.99 or the 55W 50/50 for 29.99. Is this a good choice? Is 55W to much for a 10 gal? Thanks again!!

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Originally posted by kng

Is 55W to much for a 10 gal?  Thanks again!!


LOL I have twice that amount of light on my 10g and things are fine. 55w should be plenty, but remember that 55w PC's are longer than a 10g tank, so you'll need to customize a hood or have an open top tank.

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Thanks for the insight. I called and the lady said that the 36W bulbs were 17" and the 55W bulbs were 22". I guess I'll go with the 36W. Does a double ballast mean that you can run two bulbs? If so maybe I want a doulble ballast with 2 36W 50/50. Is this what people refer to as 2x36 PC?

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Dual ballast means it can run two lights. I would recommend that you ask if it has two power cords so that you can controll each light, for dawn to dusk effect. Also, depending on how you want your aquascaping to look, you might want to get more than 10lbs of liverock, go to the member page and see everyones tanks and how the rock is set-up. You should not need to put a sponge on the inlet of your pumps because the usually make them with strainers and the inlet pull of a small powerhead is not enough to pull up a fish unless it is sick. Finally, for lights, you can put them in a canopy or do what I did. I purchased two 36W pc fixtures from Aquatic Eco-Systems, there part # is AZ15127 and there phone number is 800/422-3939. If you look at my website, www.nano-reef.com/macnreef , you will see the lights and how they are set on stands, that by the way are very stable, to hold them off of the water. They are a little long because the ballast is at one end but I think they look neat.


Hope I helped!

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Heya kng,I'm in the same boat with you on lighting.foster&smith have a pc called a powerquad 96watt.19&1/2"x10"x4@1/2...looks like it would be a perfect fit for a 10g.$190 or a retro for 126.

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