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My clown won't eat I think he's on crack!


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I had a clown shipped to me on Friday and i still have not seen him eat. he heads towards the food and when he's 1/4" away he loses interest. I've tried 4-5 different kinds of food.


Any ideas?

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Can I use regular garlic? Mabye I can press some juice out of it or put it in the blender with it? Will the garlic do anything to my water quality of some of the actual bulb gets in the water?

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I take bulbs are Garlec, cut them into small 1/4" pieces, then put them in a cup with my tank water and Mysis shrimp. Then let it soak for 5-10 minutes while stiring occasionally. Then I take a Turkey Baster and suck out the mysis while not sucking up the garlec and then just shoot the mysis in the tank. The fish love it and I have noticed that their color looks better when I Feed Garlic soaked foods.

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I tried the garlic but it didn't work. I did notice that his mouth is constantly opening & closing. Looks kinda like a dog panting. Could this be a disease?

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Try Brineshrimp, he could be slightly stressed still and afraid of the surface, i got mine thrusday, he didnt wanna eat so i tried some brine shrimp, and boy did he go for it

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It sounds like your little guy isn't getting enough O2 (Oxygen). This is some-what of a common problem. Do you have a cover over the tank? If so take it off and take a power head,a nd point it towards the surface of the water so that it makes the surface aggitated. This way it will allow the propper gas exchange between the air and the water.


I hope you little guy makes it :(

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