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Coral Vue Hydros

My 10" Niger Trigger


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nice fish but you've gotta stop living in the 80's...i mean seriously...bleached coral in a marine tank is soooo 1985. ;)

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Very Nice, I like the Niger trigger it has personality & man that thing grew fast. I have a very docile Pinktail Trigger, it has been with me about 2 years and it has only grown about 2 inches.

Funny the different growth rates on Triggers, I know my Pinktail is a very fast swimmer, how about the Niger? Are they fast swimmers also?

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Originally posted by yoshiod9

nice fish but you've gotta stop living in the 80's...i mean seriously...bleached coral in a marine tank is soooo 1985.  ;)


So exactly what am I supposed to decorate my tank with while I'm housing this aggresive of a fish?


It's in a Fish Only tank....can't put it in with inverts or corals cause she'd tear them up.


I can't even put plants (live or artificial) in there cause she's continually re-arranging the aquascape.


"Bleached Coral" is about the only thing that can withstand her.


What would YOU suggest? That I get a Spongebob Bikini Bottom Pineapple House that hooks up to an air pump and the top of the house opens every 30 secs or so when the bubbles build up to show SpongeBob sitting on his couch watching televion?




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first, i would recommend learning how to take a joke. notice the emoticon there at the end of the sentence? see how it's winking at you...that implies something there. :D


second, i don't see why you feel the need to 'decorate' a fish only tank. if the desire to decorate the tank is overpowering you, why not try something natural like live rock? if 'bleached coral' can withstand her, i'm sure that live rock can as well. plus you get the added biological filtration and you help keep her healthy by providing her a place to grind down her chompers a bit. :D although--that spongebob house does sound kinda intriguing. ;)

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Originally posted by yoshiod9

first, i would recommend learning how to take a joke.  notice the emoticon there at the end of the sentence?  see how it's winking at you...that implies something there.  :D


second, i don't see why you feel the need to 'decorate' a fish only tank.  if the desire to decorate the tank is overpowering you, why not try something natural like live rock?  if 'bleached coral' can withstand her, i'm sure that live rock can as well.  plus you get the added biological filtration and you help keep her healthy by providing her a place to grind down her chompers a bit.  :D  although--that spongebob house does sound kinda intriguing.  ;)


I was just messin' with ya'....typed that whole thing with a big smile on my face...just trying to get a rise out of you....haha.


Live Rock would work, but I've got reef tanks full of that...just wanted something a little different. That particular piece happens to be bleached (by the sun) cause it had some green algae growing on it....my other coral is covered in red coraline algae.


I fish only tank with a sand bottom and nothing else would just be so boring....the fish enjoy having places to hide and swim circles around.


The "Spongebob" spoof came up cause my kid saw one the other day at the LFS and I told him the Trigger would rip that thing apart if we tried to put in in her tank....haha.




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