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Coral Vue Hydros

Question about power heads


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I have a Rio 50 powr head running in my 7 gal. bowfront aga which, should I choose to leave the flow adjustment all the way open, would all but create a tsunami in the tank that would almost blwo the live rock around. Okay I am exaggerating but you get what I mean. So if this, as just about the smallest power head available, can generate so much current, then hw and hwy do some nano-reefers use ones as big as the Rio 90?


Wouldn't that be like putting a Ferrari engine in a Volksawgen bug?



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I've got a Rio 90 and a Max-Jet 400 in my 10-gallon. I don't see a Rio 50 in a 7-gallon causing any problems. I started off with two Rio 50s in my tank and decided they were child's play (besides their "sucky" suction cups), so I upgraded. My animals are much happier.

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I've found that placement is very imortant when it comes to powerheads in small tanks. A Rio 90 could cause a huge mess if placed wrong but very helpfull if placed right.


Basically what I'm saying is try to move the powerhead around and change flow direction until you get good results.



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