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What is the name of the "tree coral" that the cleaner shrimp is on?




I got it as a frag from the LFS attached to a small piece of branch. I've tried to glue the branch to the side of a piece of LR that I have. For some reason the coral doesn't want to stand up straight. Whenever I move the coral to a different spot in the tank it stands up straight the first day, then the next it's on it's side. I'm wondering if I cut it off of the branch and attach it to LR it would work better. But I don't really know how to do that. Any help would be apprecaited.


This is a current pic taken 2 minutes ago.



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capnella....it's a type of leather coral. mine generally stands up straight but it's directly under the light too. it may be stretching towards the light if it's off to the side a bit. they are pretty easy to frag, just cut it off and the stalk and you can glue it anywhere you would like. i've noticed the remain stumps generally get picked away at by crabs and shrimp. if you just want to propigate it you can just a branch off and glue it somewhere and both pieces will continue to grow.

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