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Cocoon on LR?


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This is a gumball sized cocoon looking thing that came on my LR. It looks like it's filled with hundreds of eggs or something.


Any idea what it is?

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what is the consistancy? is it hard, or soft, smooth or textured.


could be a sponge, i have tons of them on rocks that look like that.

might even be some type of a bi-valve.

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I brushed up against it with my finger and it's silky and kinda slimy. I guess it could be a sponge. I'm still waiting for my tank's cycle to kick in. I'm on day 5, and I have trace amounts of Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates. I haven't seen a spike in any of them. I scrubbed off any black sponges I could find, but if this is a sponge then i missed it.

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a sponge would feel silky but not at all slimy. can you see the other end? sponges should only have one opening, bi-valves have two, one at each end.

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It felt slightly slimy... but not jelly-like, not like a mushroom or anemone.


I can't see the other end, but if i do any rockwork I'll look.


Do you think that little red dot/speck is an opening? Will the sponge stay white or is it coming back from the dead?

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if it's a sponge your mostlikely seeing the collar cells or the flagella that is inside the osculum (exit pore). sponges come in a variety of colors, white, yellow, red, orange, blue, etc.

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