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new to this, thinking of stocking options


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Just from browsing the forums I was thinking of maybe stocking my 10gal. with the following:


Yasha Goby

Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp

Neon Golby


I'm open to any suggestions, this will be my first tank so I'm going to be reading up on setting up the tank itself before I get these guys. I just wanna know if I should read up on these guys or to check some others, I really like the Neon Golby, could I get more then 1 of each of these? or should I go with fewer?

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There's a chance the 2 gobies may not get along. Neon Gobies are kind of hit and miss. Sometimes you'll get a real nice one, sometimes you'll get a little bully.


Regarding the Neon Goby, I wouldn't put more than one in a 10, not enough space.

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hey thanks, I didn't want something like with what I had with someone giving me a bunch of rtbs and having to take it back once I got it

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A good stocking option for a 10gal would be to me


2- clowns (false clowns)

1- yellow tail damsel

1- goby of your choice

15lbs of live rock

1.5 inch sand bed

1 host anemone

zoos, mushrooms and polyps

5-8 montipora digitats(purple, orange, green, blue)

2 montipora caporcinus (1-orange, 1- green)

2 feather dusters

1 clam


That way your tank has a focal point of which the clowns will entertain anyone that is watching them


any questions please ask.

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oh ok, I'll think on that I was looking at some false clowns and they actually looked kinda entertaining. This tank will actually just be in my room we are turning the 55 into our sw tank for downstairs when I eventually get the 300 gallon tank :D

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sir winston mulligan

dont put a damsel in your 10, they are very territorial, and will most likely beat up on the other fish...if you must have 3 fish, 2 perculas and a goby sounds good...my suggestion 6 line wrasse(they eat flatworms, which is cool), and the goby and pistol shrimp of your choice...

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I would say 2-3 fish would be your max depending on the type of fish and filter set up (sump, skimmer, etc.). You probebly could have a pair of clowns and a yashe goby.


Hold off on the anemone though for at least 6 months because of the special attention they need. Most also get too big for a 10g and you wouldnt want it stinging all your corals.

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scratch the 10 I just got a 30 and I'm setting it up today, I kinda was planning on holding off on the anomone because something thats going to wander around my tank and possibly towards my powerhead (was reading it in some article where the guys anomone's were doing that :o ) for now I think I'm going to setup everything and then think on my stocking options

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