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leather coral causing my problems?


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is it possible that my leather coral (looks sorta like a finger, but I'm not sure) is causing my other corals to bleach? My blasto, and my anthelia have since gone white since around the introduction of my leather coral. And now that I think about it, my sun coral started to look pretty bad too. any ideas?

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leathers are known to be hardcore in alleopathy...so it is very possible. did you do anything else to your tank that could cause the bleaching?...perhaps temperature related?

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If leathers come to close to other SPS or LPS corals they will win the contest. Leathers sting harder than SPS or LPS corals what makes the last two bleach

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the temperature hasn't changed at all. And the leather coral has not touched either coral that is bleached. I was just curious whether leather corals put off any chemicals that would cause bleaching in other corals within the tank. The corals that seeme effected are my blasto merletti, my anthelia, and perhaps my sun coral which I had to get rid off.

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I have a decent sized spaghetti leather in my 15. A few months after I added it all of my rics bleached. I have thought of every possiblity for this happening except the leather. Now I'm wondering. Another thing is... almost all of my corals only open about half way from like 2pm until around 7. The leather however is fully extended. Great...

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does anybody have a conclusive answer on this? I would just hate to take out my healthy leather coral, unless I'm sure it will cure my other corals.

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as i said before...alleopathy. just make sure that it's not something else before you take out your leather.

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yeah, i run chemipure, change my sponges at least once a week, and my water is changed every week. The only thing that was off is my calc which is 550 or so, and my alk which is 2.5. The pH is 8.2; ammonia, nitrate, and nitrate are all zero; and there has been no known introduction of any hazardous materials. Moreover, this problem has been ongoing so if it was anything else, it would have been fixed by now, I should think.

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I have really ruled out everything else. I just want to make sure that a Leather can cause so much trouble (kill my sun coral and make it go dark, kill my blasto, slowly kill my anthelia, kill a few zoos). water chemistry is fine, so I just want to make sure a finger leather can wreak such havoc.

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Most likely the leather. They do put out a whole cocktail of various poisons, all of which are targeted at other corals. (That's what alleopathy is--the chemical warfare that constantly goes on in mixed-"media" tanks.) How large is your tank, and how large is the leather? Especially if it's really a Sinularia or Nepthea, they're very toxic corals.


Still... That alk is way low.

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