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Coral Vue Hydros

GSP frag help


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My LFS just gave me a frag of GSP because it wasn't attached to anything. I acclimated it and put it in a shot glass with some substrate in the bottom of my tank. Anyway, it hasn't opened yet and it's been 2 days. Should I be concerned, or will it eventually open?

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It may take a week or so... esp if it was just the mat and not attached to anything. Where is it in the tank and what is your lighting like? Mine seem to like a high flow. You also may want to place ethem higher in the tank or in a more direct light to get them to pop out if they have been dormant for a while.


Good Luck!

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Right now they're in a shot glass with a tiny piece of LR and some sand that I'm trying to get them to attach to. They're in the bottom of my nanocube, the lighting is 48watts.

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take it out of the shot glass and just leave it on the substrate, the shot glass could be restricting it's flow, they grow faster when they're the mat type anyways and on the substrate because there is no limit to where it can spread out to

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Ok, I'll try that. I just put it in the shot glass because I didn't want my snails, hermits or anything knocking it around.


Thanks for the replies

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