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Freaky snail


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Other day I saw my nass snail for the first time in several weeks. We watched his partner get eaten by the giant bristleworm (who has gone to the great toilet in the sky), and I assumed this guy had met the same fate. This morning my son noticed a really wierd snail on the side of the tank. Foot, head, tail all look like the nass, but no shell. It has a deformed-looking coily thing on its back, which is black and soft. A nass shell is on the sand, directly below the snail thing. So far the thing has stayed on the side of the tank; if he hits the sand he'll be munched by hermits, I'm sure.


I got some pics w/my old camera, but it's not digital and doesn't have macro, so we'll see. I'll get it developed and post pics this afternoon. Has anybody EVER seen anything like this?

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Originally posted by janasleah

Has anybody EVER seen anything like this?


I havn't, but it sounds to me like you've got a snail with a broken shell...

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These things happen sometimes (snails losing shells)...they can survive perfectly well without them...they're just far more vulnerable.




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Ive got a couple snails with no shells. As far as I can tell, they're just fine.


happy reefin'

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Wow....I thought snails' shells were part of their body, like a turtle or something. Of course, turtles are vertebrates, but.....Will he grow a new shell? It's not a stomatella...wish I did have some, but no such luck.

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check out the latest (I believe) issue of Reefkeeping Magazine over at www.reefcentral.com. There's a snail article in there by Shimek (again, I believe..lol) and he actually talks (briefly) about snails "losing" shells. (It's actually an article on nudibranchs..but check it out..it does mention snails losing shells)




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