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Does my Brain look ok?


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I have been told that the open brain in my tank looks pale and not well. Any opinions?

What can I do to bring it to its full potential?



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It doesn't look good to me. It looks bleached around the edges or it may just be over-expanding. Mine did that once when it got stressed (it fell over). Is it new to your tank? What lighting do you have it under? It looks to be over-expanding its polyp, is that whats happening here? I can't tell too well from the pic but it looks like the left side is bulging.

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I was given the coral buy the guy I bought my live rock from, I wasnt prepared for corals, but he wanted to shut down his tank asap as he was being transfered.

That pic was taken a day after move in. It has been a week since but I dont have a camera to take an updated shot. It has darker red around the inner lip and is more cup shaped. Extends its feeding tentacles at night and puffs up quite large. Should I be feeding it? Cyclopeeze or something similar?


I have it under 96w of PC (coralife 50/50). It is in a mid to low flow area, should it be moved?

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Your lighting should be more than enough and your flow sounds good. As long as it is expanding you know that your flow is good. I put mine in a higher flow area and it shrunk up and looked miserable. It sounds like its doing better now than when this pic was taken and it was probably just shocked from the move. Just keep an eye on it. If its not expanding try a lower flow area or test your water. If its expanding to the point where it loses its red color and almost becomes transparent its very stressed and again test your water and try a higher light area.


As far as feeding this guy you definitely should. I feed mine twice a week (sometimes more). I feed a mixture of cyclopeeze, mysis, and brine. It will accept any meaty foods even a damsel as demonstrated below.



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I have seen that pic. Kinda creepy.

Would it take a small shrimp pellet? I have a can left over from some cat fish I had a while ago. I will be picking up some mysis this weekend.

Water is doing ok, ammonia -0 nitrite-0 ph 8.2 temp 78 sg 1.025

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Honestly couldn't tell you about the shrimp pellet. When his tentacles are out you could just try it and see if he accepts it. He will readily accept the mysis though I would definitely recommend that along w/ cyclopeeze if you can get it.

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well he took the pellet, almost instantly. The pellet touched the mouth and was sucked down right away. I will see in the morning if he looks any different. Good or bad.

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Thats good he took the pellet. Keep the feeding up, you won't really notice any changes right away but if they don't get fed they will eventually starve over a period of months. Good luck with him the brains are my favorite coral.

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