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Scooter Blenny


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Most scooter blennies only eat live pods that grow in your tank. Requires alot of liverock. How big is your tank.

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well i do have lots of live rocks and my tank is 10g, but there isn't enough pods to feed it. how can i compensate for this? also my scooter blenny is very very small.

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Try different foods til you find one he likes. They can be like Mandarins, very picky eaters.


Good luck, they are not a very easy fish to keep.



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Create a pod stack in the back of your tank. Basically pile up a bunch of rubble so that pods have a refuge to grow in, either that or setup an aquaclear refugium.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Pinrod Urkish

MARINE CUISINE. By Sanfrancisco Bay Brand, they make a whole line of foods so it should be pretty easy to get.

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I spent a lot of time trying to get my scooter onto other food. For a while I thought he was eating mysis and brine, but eventually I realized he was sucking it up and spitting it out. After a few months he started to look extremely thin and shortly after he disappeared.


I wish you the best of luck getting your scooter onto other foods, but if it starts looking thin, I suggest you find a new home for it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got a scooter blenny, and I got a whole bunch of shrimps and pods swimming in my main and fuge tank. I hope he eats a whole bunch of them because there is so many. RIght now, he is picking up subtrate, and spiting them out. What a cool guy really, He can dig ain the sand and sleep in it at night.

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I always thought SB were not nano fish. Hard to keep 'cause of their diet and if they do eat well, they grow fast. Damned if ya do,damned if ya don't for a nano, especially a 10gal.The substrate is important ... small substrate. See pods not only lay eggs in LR, but LS as well.

I found a little info., if it helps.


...."A 30 gallon or larger reef aquarium that has live sand substrate, docile inhabitants, and lots of live rock makes the ideal aquarium for the Scooter Blenny. More than one of its species may be kept; if so, it is best to introduce them all to the tank at the same time. The ratio should be 2 or 3 females per male. A 55 gallon or larger aquarium is required if more than one male is to be kept.

The Scooter Blenny may be a difficult fish to keep due to its feeding habits. The Scooter Blenny will sift through the sand for food. Finely cut meaty foods and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp may be acceptable substitutes."...

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My red scooter blenny nips at substrate and rocks, but I can not see what he is eating. Probably small pods. I have yet to get a chance to see him capture a big pod. He is in my year old 15g with 10g fuge which is definately under the requrements, but when my pods and mysid population decreases, I will sell him or trade him back to the lfs.

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After reading a few failure stories of keeping a scooter dragonet alive in a 90g, I feel like I made a huge mistake buying a red scooter blenny. I wish the the girl at lfs I went to would had said something to me when I told her I had a 15g main tank with a 10g fuge for the fish. I was looking through a book for the red scooter blenny at the lfs that day, but I was unlucky to find to have not found information on the fish, and then I ended up buying him anyways. I see it as partly my fault for buying him, and I do not blame the girl at the lfs completely for making a sell. Dang, I hope I can return the fish now.

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