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Coral Vue Hydros

preparing fish for shipping


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i am shipping out a yellow clown goby on monday, how should i prepare the package and his water and the fish for the overnight trip

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use a 6-8 inch wide by 10-12 inch standard fish bag, make sure and double or triple bag.


Fill about half way with tank water, catch the fish, in a method that causes the least amount of stress, (ie, using a collection cup, NO net!)


fill the other half of the bag with air, from an air pump.


leave about 2-3 inches at the top so you can double rubberband the bag at the top.


what work good is if you twist the top of the bag, tight, and then fold it over, and then put 2 rubber bands over that loop thingy that is made.


put in a stryofoam box, pack in good with newspaper, check temps. If it is really hot, put in a small ice pack, away from the bag, maybe in the corner of the box, if realy cold, put a heat pack in. It should be a pretty good temp to ship fish now, so i wouldn't wory about any cold/heat packs.


then ship it!

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