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Acan withering :(


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The frag is 2 polyps of the grey/red indo acan lord and the larger one is not doing so hot, while the smaller polyp looks great. The frag has been in my system for 10 days now and the fleshy part of the larger polyp has pulled back some and it doesn't extend it's feeding tentacles as far at night. It still takes food though and I've still been feeding them both mysis & cyclopese every 3rd day or so.


Water params test fine and my other tank inhabitants (including a blasto m. and candy cane, which IMHO are not dissimilar from the acan) are doing great. 72w PC stock via aqua lighting, UTR DIY skimmer, one extra powerhead & a heater. Current on the acan is med-low.


My theory is that sometimes larger corals have more trouble with environment changes while smaller corals are a little more adaptable. This is why the small polyp is doing real well while it's taking the big one a while to settle in. I considered moving the frag, but what if I screw up the one polyp that's doing so well? I dunno.


Thought I'd toss the situation out there to you all & see if you have any suggestions for things I should do.


Thanks for any help.


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do you know the light levels the piece was under before you got it?? i had a piece that was basically in the dark compared to my tank and it pretty much withered up and died on me. lol. sucks, but that's life. try moving it out of the light so that you can see if it'll extend or not.

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thanks for the tip. i'll get in touch w/the seller to make sure but i believe it was a mix of 10k & 20k mh, while as mentioned i am using pcs (50/50) so i kinda doubt mine are too intense. maybe mine are too low.


i really don't think the whole thing is going to die on me (knock on wood) unless i were to do something really stupid to the healthy polyp. that one seems in real good shape.


thanks again.

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There is a bit of fluctuation between 76 and 78.


Pardon my ignorance, but if there were a serious temp issue, wouldn't that have signs on the other inhabitants? And wouldn't both acan polyps be having trouble? Do acans have special temp needs...because I'd love info on that.




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another hypothesis could be fragging/shipping stress.


you mentioned that it's been in your system for ~10 days, when you received it, was the larger polyp already looking "not so hot?" ...if so, it is highly likely that your seller fragged and shipped the coral without giving it ample time to recover. i usually wait ~1-2 weeks for the frag to regain its' health back before shipping; this way, the buyer is SURE to get a healthy frag. if you have the chance, ask the guy who you bought it from, how long of a time period it was given to heal after fragging.


to simply state it, fragging + shipping - healing time = dying acan. if it's gone, it's gone, i would suggest concentrating on keeping the smaller polyp alive and well :)


good luck!!

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The first day the flesh on the bigger polyp was pretty full & that first evening the feeder tentacles were out pretty far. But I don't remember exactly how far versus the other polyp. Could be shipping/fragging stress. He's a good vendor though and I'd be extremely suprised to learn he didn't allow for healing. The bigger polyp isn't dead or anything either. Just pretty far receeded. I'll keep feeding them both & do my best to save the one & grow th other.


Uchiha - I just got my 150w lamp dr upgrade today to do your trick on my 18g. My husband is downstairs right now checking out how it'll fit in the hood. You might get a pm from me if we have questions...


Thanks for the suggestions on the acan.



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