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Shroomy waterflow


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Ok... got my first shrooms three days ago for my 24 gallon nanocube. Cute little blue spotted ones. I am running a Rio 1400 pump in the tank right now, and it seems that everywhere I put them, they aren't happy. They will fold up or krinkle up. Will they adjust to the water flow, or what?

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mushrooms do not liked to be messed with. sometimes it can take a week for them to adjust to their new surroundings. keep them at slow to medium flow, usually at the bottom of the tank. they are also sometimes sensitive to light and light changes.

main point, take it easy on them at first, let them acclimate, and get to know what they want, but mainly give it time and flow that doesn't beat them to death.

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I find it easiest to place them on the substrate and then let them move around a tank a little to find where they are comfortable

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