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Another AC300 Fuge Question/PICS


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OK, been looking around quite a bit, i decided not to go with the CD plastic cut case and just switch around the crate to make it work as heater in the tank doesn't bother me...


I have couple questions, here is the baffle that i have done:



Now, is that alone, enough to slow the water to not stir it up the sand or anything, and i assume to have the tube over so it brings water in the slowest...notice the grate holes on the bottem of that baffle that isn't a problem is it?


And this i assume to just silicone it to the front and it will do good job at keeping out the cheato from going back into tank?






It is for a 10g tank, may move it up to the 20L next week once cheato get's here, not sure yet...


What do you think?

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are you planning to put sand in the fuge if so that buffer wont work because that buffer will force water down to the bottom of the filter and out of the over flow. if not that it look ok

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  • 5 weeks later...

its a good idea i have 2 ac 300 but wasnt sure on how to set it up

are you going to put in live sand or cc or fiter media or nothing in the bottom of the ac 300.........also the water flow will start at the pump and is pumped to the bottom of the over flow chamber then goes up and out the baffle.........so i dont know about sand but live rock rubble whould work or cc.....i think a little more research is in order.

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okay you see the side baffle that is in pic #1 it is a return to pump when you slow the water down kind of like in a circular motion if you put water in the ac 300 with out the inlet tube you will see what i mean the water will stay in the chamber and go around and around...........thru the side baffle and in to the pump.

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