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Tissue Erosion?


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yesterday i noticed my green polyps were upside down, and i flipped them back over, and to my dismay, half of the polyps were eaten/dead. this morning, i noticed my candy cane frag was tipped over (i keep it in the sand). but being late for school, i decided i would fix it when i got back. when i got home i found it shoved in between two rock and half of the tissue was gone... dow the tissue just like erode when it touches something? or is something eating it?

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I got a frag of zoos that had some that were banged up, and they sure didn't die/deompose overnight! They've kept my ammonia up for a couple weeks....so I'd think something is killing or eating yours....

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yea...it looks like it just came back from war...lol. ill keep an eye on it but nothing bad yet. thx

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