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I see these little things running around on my rocks and substrate. They are bigger than pods but to small to get a picture of. They are semi clear and have a little bit of brown on their back. What are they? I have noticed that on one of my rocks some of the zoas are dissenigrating (sp). Are they doing this?


Please help.

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they are most likely another type of pod there are isopods ad a couple of other ones. Like how big one cm two?

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I know that zoos get fungus sometimes but I only have 2 solitary zoas in my tank so I'm not a good authority on em at all

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How long have your zoas looked like this? You do know that all coral retracts as a defense mechanism, or when they aren't in ideal conditions, right? It could just have grabbed some food... The clear things are pods. Just a different type of pod than you are used to, probably. I am 99.9999% sure that they're not the problem w/ your zoas (if, in fact, there actually is one).

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