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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Remora Question


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I have an 11 gallon Via Aqua and I just bought a remora skimmer for it. Its hooked up and working with the maxi jet 1200 it came with, but it seems that there is not enough flow to avoid algae or to house some of the future corals I want. Can anyone with experience in this department tell me if this is going to be enough circulation?

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I would suggest addin a maxi jet 606 or something like that to add somem more flow, shoot for 250-300 GPH for your tank.

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You have to tell us what you want to keep in the tank... :| Are you planning on using only the remora for flow? I don't think that would let you keep much more than some shroom and zoos. What kind of light you have also makes a big difference on what corals you can keep. Hook us up w/ that stuff and we'll help you out. ;)




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sorry 27 lbs of tonga, 20 lbs of live sand. Tank has been up for 3 wks now, i have a perc and a clean up crew. The lights on the system are 36 wt pc. I also have another maxijet 1200 sitting around, i could use that too, just wasnt sure if it would cause a temp problem.

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And what do you want to keep? ;) That lighting won't let you keep anything but shrooms and some zoas. LPS and SPS won't survive. Most softies will still want more light... Might as well go get a smaller powerhead to put in the other corner blowing towards the center. The remora's flow might be too "downwards" for you to really utilize its gph...

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By the way, just noticed since installation of the remora that all of the microbubbles it releases are going back into the tank. I know that its common and normal with new skimmers but will the bubbles kill anything while it breaks in?

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No. It's dangerous in the long run for some fish because the bubbles can get caught in the gills and cause them to suffocate. I don't see you having much of problem w/ that, though. Mine stopped making bubbles on my 20L by the next day. btw, when did you finish your cycle?

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i waited 2 wks and checked the water ammonia .1, nitrite 0, nitrate 0. Didnt think the cycle started so i added a 1 inch perc and fed very carefully. a week later checked the water ammonia .1, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, so i added a clean up crew cause the rocks and glass were lookin nasty. The rock was cured when i added it, and i wanted to get alot to have good biological. my pump is a maxijet 1200 and i was just using a cup to get the surface material out every few days. All was fine till a snail clogged my powerhead and died. Thats why i got the skimmer, i knew itd help

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That skimmer will keep your water pristine. You'll be amazed at how clean your water will be. You might not have to cycle if the rock was actually "cured". I'd say add the other MJ1200 in the opposite corner... You'll want to get some better lighting, eventually... Good luck w/ it.

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