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People Eaters or plain ProtoPaly's


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I got these zoos here and were sold as possible people eater... what do you think? green slit mouth, dark purply red, short red tentacles, however the guy who sold me them said his tentacles went green after it was totally acclimated in his tank. I have had these three weeks, and they just opened up yesterday enough so i could get a good look/pic of them...

here is a pic with flash...PPE.jpg

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People eater is another name for them, but those arent really remarkable enough to be called PEs without ####ing people off.

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reef hugger

Matt your right in naming them Protopalythoa sp. I hope you didn't spend too much on them.


Ninh, those reds are nice.

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Spent about 10$ for about 12-15 polyps. so no- i didnt spend too much on them.

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