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Monti Q


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Nah..But I suppose toward the top would be best. Remember to ACCLIMATE them to the LIGHT! Depends on where they were and what kind of light they had. If halides, toward the top. Otherwise, place in a similar location.

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higher the better, results will vary, but it is likely that in time the monti will fade "slightly" in color.

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Keep in mind that fluorescent, watt for watt, isn't nearly as "good" as MH, and also doesn't penetrate as far. I've heard that, as far as the more light-demanding corals go, it's useless higher than anything from 12 to 20 inches above the coral; I'd say somewhere in the middle.


So probably the top would be best, but again, keep the previous light conditions in mind. Corals are prone to burn or shock from a sudden change in light.

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well 130w PC is probably better than what this LFS provides. and he will be placed 6-7 inches from the light (including distance between surface and bulb). What do you mean fade slightly? He wont be orange?

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hes not syaing it wont be orange just maybe not as orange. fade slightly like your bluew jeans do. they still are blue just not as blue

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light isn't the first thing to worry about when it comes to sps. you need to make sure that you can keep the alk/calc levels in check as well as keeping phosphate low and ph within the correct level. your tank MUST be stable and you have to know what to do when an emergency arises. then you can worry about lighting. personally, i wouldn't try an encrusting monti under pc. but that's just me. :D it has been done before, but as caesar said, it will more than likely fade out a bit. gl.

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if you can assure that the params are stable and will be stable...why are you asking such a simple question? :D lol.


the monti should be fine even if faded a bit. if i were you i would make sure that i fed the tank dt's oyster eggs a few times a week to ensure the health of the monti.

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