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Cultivated Reef

What kind of fan?


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I just had a minor heart attack when I casually looked at the digital thermometer on my nano and it was 84.6! The lights were still on at that point, so I took the hood off and put a fan next to the tank, blowing across the water...it's cooled down to 80.3 in about 30 min, which is really too fast, but.....


On another thread Neanderthalman recommended blowing a fan on the outside of the tank for cooling during the day. My house usually stays at about 76 or so during the summer, but obviously this could be a problem w/my hood and lights. I don't have a fan in the hood, and I'd have to cut it to put one in. I'll do it if I have to, but if just having a fan blowing on the tank (not across the top of the water) would work, that would be easier. What does everybody think?

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