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Green Bubble Things on Live Rock....


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Alright, just curious as to what this stuff is. On one of my peices of live rock, there's these tiny little green bubble looking things. They kinda look like green ballons, yet really small. Anyone know what these are?

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those are bubble algae. they will eventually get bigger and bigger. You can pick them off the liverock or you can get a emrald crab. They usually will eat those things. Good Luck

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you're close with saying ballons, but try again. mb you should try popping it.





JK!! its probably bubble algae! DON'T POP IT. I REPEAT: DON'T POP IT!. inside it contains hundreds of spores, and when popped, they will be release and take over ur tank. i'm sorry but the DOOM OF YOUR TANK is inevitable...






JK again! i left mine, and my snails cleaned em up. you could get a emerald greeen crab tambien. they'll take care of it.

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I really don't like your jokes imafishboy, that's just not cool at all. I was sweating bullets for about 10 seconds, untill I finished reading.


So are these not harmfull? Or should I try and get ride of them?

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LOL! sorry. :D they're not harmful, not really...more of displeasing to the eye. yes, they can cover ur tank. dunno about whether you should try to get rid of it. i didn't with mine, and they just seemed to go away by themselves. either cuz i put them where no light was, and it died or somehting, or my turbo snail got em.

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haha no offend imafishboy but i find it really lame. Actually I have pop several of them in my tank and nothing really happened. I get a couple more algae bubble but nothing to serious.

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hmmmmmm...i guess i was speaking from "text"? ---> wht should happen? i haven't experienced it myself. haven't popped ne either.... mine just dissapeared. i was just being gay, i'm sorry. like other ppl when they say, don't keep tangs in a small tank, but never even kept tangs...or they say don't put suncoral in the light, but they never kept suncoral? :D

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