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Top Shelf Aquatics

Royal Gramma Basslet


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will these guys come out of their rock? likveaquaria.com says they are cave dwellers. I need some swimming fish... not something that sits in a hole. Any ideas?

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Swiming fish..Hm...I like Blue/Green Reef Chromises. They always seem to be happy and are the most peaceful fish I have ever owned.

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Animal Lover

I have a royal Gramma in my nano (10-gal) right now. He does come out of the rock quite a bit! He is very colorful... He swims in the open for the majority of the time, but when something startles him (like one of my kids running by) he dodges into the rockwork.


I think he is much better looking than the blue/green chromis. Everyone comments on how handsome he is!

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Six line wrasse. They are very active and they swim in and out of the rock work. I had one be he jumped but i think am going to get another just because they are very colorful and super active (but not like a tang where they need a football feild to be happy:P).

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the basset is doing better. Swims around now and is sometimes startled by movement. I love it!

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