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Man I just found my dried out Firefish behind my aquarium.....Man they like to jump....He fit with only a 1" gap in the back of my aquarium.....Oh well....May he rest in peace....:)

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I finally got my wife to pick out a fish of her own. She choose a Tiger Goby. This darn thing jumped out of the tank w/in 3 days. It was $20 and she is really cheep. I never tell her how much stuff costs. She did not want another one. My 5 year old was really bummed.

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ninjamini: Just get a damsel or chromis... they can't be more than $3-$4 each, and they all have brilliant colors. Drawback is they're SOBs.

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Originally posted by winniebagel

ninjamini: Just get a damsel or chromis... they can't be more than $3-$4 each, and they all have brilliant colors. Drawback is they're SOBs.


O'dont get me wrong...I just dont tell her what I spend. Unless I get a really good deal somewhere.


I had a yellowtail. Yea they are SOBs. I will never get another.


Hey here is a joke for you:

How do you turn $4 into $.50?



Buy a YT damsel. Cost you $4 get $.50 in trade when you bring it back. Hey I think the LFS only has 10-15 of these and they just loan then out for $3.50 with a $.50 deposit.

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