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power heads


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I just set up my 12g nano DX last night. I would like to get an additional power head as I eventually want to have soft corals. Drs. Fosters and Smith have a Power Sweep 212 which they say is perfect for Nano Cubes, what do you guys think of this one?

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I have a 228 in my 55 gal and it is a great power head IMO. it does require a little more maintanence than some of the others as the gears get clogged pretty easy. Also I had to put a little silicone over the adjustment knob once i had it set. Fish and snails kept getting stuck in the suction around it. It provides plenty of power and mine has been running for over a year without and major probs.

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Get a mini-jet. There small, quiet, reliable and tend to 'push' water rather than 'blast' it.

Just my two cents, there are lots of good options out there.


happy reefin'

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Watch your temp when adding the extra powerhead. I purchased a minijet 606 for extra circulation and the temp rose to 84F. The original pump in the back was generating extra heat so I put the minijet in the back and left the orig out. The temp dropped to 80F. I purchaced a 60gph miniature pump for extra circulation and still the temp rose to 83F. Some people dont have this problem even when they add mega lighting upgrades, heaters, refuge lights, etc. But mine, however, does. Yours could go either way but be wary. Thats just my two cents.

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I also have a nanocub 12g dx.


I got a micro-jet (made by the mini-jet folks)





nice TINY pump, adjustable. I plan on putting mine behind (and under) my live rock so that it gently blows though the LR.


I also removed the flared nozzle for the stock pump and replaced it with this baby:




Works pretty nice to randomize the flow, although it's a bit weak with the stock pump. I will be upgrading the stock pump to get a little more flow.

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Christopher Pearson

you could get a rio pump and put a turning power head on it. this will cover the entire tank with good water movement throughout.

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