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Cultivated Reef

Extremely fat lawnmower blenny


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In my 20H, I have a lawnmoer blenny. He's pretty big. He's also grown incredibly fat. He does eat some filamentous algae, but not much hair algae. He also eats shrimp pellets, formula 2 flakes, brine shrimp flakes, formula 1 pellets and some staple pellets I have, and he tries to eat Marine Cuisine, but spits it out. Right now, he's getting extremely fat and it has me a little worried. I'm already cutting down on the shrimp pellets I put in and I feed certain foods on certain days (all every day would be WAY too much). At what point is being fat unhealthy for a lawnmoer blenny? He's very active, very interesting to watch and eats well but I don't want him to get overly bloated and die.


My mandarin is slowly plumping up but not nearly at the rate that the lawnmoer blenny is, thankfully.



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At least he is eating alot and not too little. I would just continue to do what you have started and cut back a little on the feeding and watch his health. I think as long as he remains active and shows normal behaviour all is well.



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Thanks. I hope that's the case. The only fish I have that doesn't seem to eat the flake or pellet foods is the mandarin, though he eats Marine Cuisine every time it's offered. I guess I've partially gotten lucky with my fish (though I did do a little training with the mandarin).



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Mine ate live mysis shrimp. So I fed it live mysis shrimp. When I noticed it ate the freshly dead and then long dead mysis shrimp, I gave Marine Cuisine a try, since it has mysis in it and the mandarin took to it after only a couple feedings. Now, he eats every single piece of Marine Cuisine that fits into his mouth.



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Yours doesn't eat much hairy algae? I got mine for the sake of him eating my hairy algae--he eats a little bit, there's really not much of a food source for him otherwise as I only really feed mysis and he doesn't eat it...I'm hoping that once he clears my tank of the algae I can buy him those tang algae flakes.

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