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ProFlatlander15's Updated tank pics


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i had to make a new name to upload pics...and its been a while, so get ready for quite a slide show...lemme know what you think...



heres a full tank shot...



my new sun coral, sorry my pics are a little blurry, but you get the idea



my newer monti cap- i think this looks great in any tank



this is my newest addition...has only been in the tank for 2 days, but is looking good...



my hermit straight chillin on my monti digitata frag...need i mention that the way he got down was breaking the frag off its mount, and i had to reglue is...



two rics...



finally my candy cane is splitting, however it is doing so very, very slowly...(2 months or so)



there it is...need i mention that all of these corals were 'under $40'...

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i am using the bulb you got me, its workin excellent. as for the power center, i am just using a single power strip right now, i cut down on the stuff i had plugged in...

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the Puppy Store in West Hartford CT and Pet-a-Rama in southington CT. no mail order or frag swaps, there is no one local to me...(frown). they do have nice pieces though

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  • 3 weeks later...

just got a gorg...thought id put up a pic or two...


closeup of polyps... theyre really cool




fulltank with gorgonian. i feed it cyclopeeze, phytoplan, flakefood and turn off the pump when feeding. seems to be doing OK. oh yeah gotta clean off the algae every once in a while too, but well worth the effort.



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