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Agressive Fish Nano's??


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Is it possible to keep any agressive fish such as anglers or scorpion fish in a 10g nano? Im interested because my LFS had a Paragasum (sp)(it looked like a scorpion/lion fish with blue eyes and was brown with little white spots so it blended in with the rock really well)?

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not the best idea to keep heavy polluters in a small tank. water quality goes to ish really quickly. add to the fact that you have to feed fairly often and you can put 2 and 2 together to realize you'll be doing a lot of wc's to keep things in control. don't try it until you've mastered regular reefing and know just by looking at your tank if things are out of whack. :D

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Originally posted by yoshiod9

not the best idea to keep heavy polluters in a small tank.  water quality goes to ish really quickly.  add to the fact that you have to feed fairly often and you can put 2 and 2 together to realize you'll be doing a lot of wc's to keep things in control.  don't try it until you've mastered regular reefing and know just by looking at your tank if things are out of whack.  :D



this is ture maybe you should try a biger tank or wait a while, but its up to you well what ever your do good luck

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Frogfish are good... they dont eat much, and when they poop, its just an easily-removed blob. Seriously, how convenient can it get? lol

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