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Top Shelf Aquatics

small leak on the top


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On the very top of my cube where the glass meets the plastic edging there is a small leak or crack. I noticed it a few days ago when i realized that i had to constantly clean up small deposits of salt left behind from the dripping water. I just figured it happened from a splash during cleaning or whatever. Yesterday i squeezed a rubber aquarium sealant up the side of the glass and under the trim. Now there is bearly any dripping at all. I hope to completely seal it over time, because i definitely dont want to replace the entire thing for a small leak at the very top of the glass. Has anyone else had this problem? Do you think i can get away with simply sealing up the tiny crack and lettin it be? Thanks in advance



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I have the same problem! it prevents me from filling the tank all the way. I haven't done anything about it yet, as I'm probably gonna ship it back (if there's a chance of getting a 2005 as a replacement ;-)

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I was able to fully seal the tiny leak using the aquarium sealant. The crack is soo tiny and soo close to the top, that i dont think it will be a problem, as long as it stays sealed up

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uh oh! that stupid little drip has started again. Its like one drop an hour but its very annoying. Anybody else have this happen? What did you use to get rid of it? Im just going to keep on filling it until it stops. Hope it works!:)

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I fill my NC up to just above the bottom of the trim which makes the water level about 1/2" below the inner "lip". Are you filling the tank all the way to the inner lip? Why?? Unless you seal all the way around the tank almost any tank will drip like you describe (personal experience).


Edit: If you fill the tank all the way to the inner lip, capillary action will / can cause a drip effect. Try droping the water level down to just above the bottom of the outer trim. If the drip stops the problem was capillary action. There is no need to fill the tank all the way to the top.

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i have the same problem with a 10 gal AGA. i just wipe the glass clean every now and then, but my tank isnt usualy filled that high anyway...i contemplated fixing it but its not that bad..

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I found my crack! its in the back corner and fairly small, but triangular. I think I can seal it up well enough to keep it...


i can't fill my tank past the top of the glass...just getting it past the plastic would be really exciting for me!

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