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blastomussa merletti is pale


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For about two weeks now my Blastomussa Merletti has been pale/white in color. Beforehand it had been a very healthy red. Although the color is not correct, the structure of teh coral looks ok.


My one hypothesis is that my Frogspawn somehow tagged it, and the Blasto is still reeling from the 2 week old combat. I think this is pretty unlikely though.


Any ideas?

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It is not terribly new, it was fine for two weeks, then I tried to move it up in the tanks, closer to the lights. It went pale at that time and hasn't recolored yet.

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reef hugger

I would try moving it back to where it was and see if the color comes back. It sounds like it bleached from having more light than it could handle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so my blasto is still bleached, I think for roughly 3 weeks now. That said, it seems to be healthy as I have seen it growing 3 baby blasto heads. They are similarly pale. Is Kent's Phytoplankton not the best thing to be feeding them? Must I do more than squirt it into the tank, but actually spray it on the blasto individually?


I'm just worried it hasn't retained its original red color. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Try individually feeding each polyp with some meaty food, if you can. Be careful not to over-do it on the phyto, either. Just a few drops!

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What type of lighting are you running?


In my experience, merlettis will do well in most lighting situations as long as they are supplemented with a meaty food. Usually squid, mysis, and krill are great candidates.


Like BK said, be careful with the phyto. Too much can lower your water quality pretty quickly.

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Well, I have definitely been overfeeding Phyto, but my water quality is still ok. So only 2-3 drops of Phyto every other day or so?


And would some Krill be ok to feed the Blastos?


Thanks again.

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