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Okahulie shrimp does any body else have any?


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My boss at the LFS I work at has a beach house in Hawaii and he is always bringing back pretty cool stuff about a year ago he brought back "okahulie" shrimp they live in the tide pools or so I hear from my boss. He has about 2000 or so of these little guys there only about 1.5cm long as adults I personally have about 12-15 in a betta bowl with some java moss.

Does any one know what I'm talking about and if so could you share any info you might have about these neat little shrimp.

IMO these little guys are the coolest inverts around for there size.

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if they live in salt water tide pools how are you keeping them alive in a betta bolw with java moss???? just a question.

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I keep them at about half strength saltwater and feed powder flake food about once a week. I don't know exactly what they do eat but this is what was suggested to me by my boss. They seem to have about the same care requirements as a Betta possible less maintanence if that is possible. I don't know what the real requirements might be but they seem to stay healthy and active I haven't lost one yet. I've kept them for about 2 months. and my boss has had them for a year or more and hasn't lost any that we know of. I was just wondering is anyone had ever heard of them.

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Are they those little bright red shrimp? Theres a company that sells those little sealed ecosystems with some sort of algae and a couple of those shrimp in it. I forget the website though.

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yeah actually i think i remember seeing those at sharper image or brroksone or somewhere. They were expensive as hell though. like $200 for a sealed globe with algae and shrimp in it. ill try and find where i saw it and see what kind of shrimp they were....

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I have the "ISP" model and it's been running for close to two years now. Neat little setup. A little pricey for the larger models, but their custom spheres are massive, and are extremely impressive.

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