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Coral Reco for a NC w/ Stock lighting


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Mushrooms, and ricordia will be fine. Tubastrea are non-photsynthetic, and only need to be fed. Caulastrea, and blastomussa are very lower light tolerant as long as they are supplemented with a little food. I'm sure you could even get away with more if you place stuff near the lights.


32 watt pc, which I think is standard in the 12 gallon cube will be fine for the corals listed above.


edit: its actually 24w in the standard nano, I still think he could get away with all of this stuff if water quality is kept high and placement in relation to light is considered.

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Well the tubastrea would thrive, if kept fed. The mushrooms really would have no problems either. The blastomussa may lose a little color, but these corals can tolerate pretty low-light. Caulastrea will actually do pretty well in low light as long as they are fed.


The zoanthids may lose a little color, but from my observations, the color change would not be significant.


You'd be surprised at how tolerant corals are to lower light. Once they get established in the system they will do pretty good.

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An example of a BEAUTIFUL full colored stock 12g nano...


Good thread on other NR's experience with low-light...


Stingray's awesome stock lighted nano-cube...



Tried to find tanks that were over five months old. There is a ton of info on nano-cubes with stock lighting. I found these by searching "stock nano-cube" Hope this helps Lou.

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this is a really encouraging thread. i just spent all morning figuring out how to get some more watts into my 12gal cube thats been running stock for 10 months(my 'boyu' cube came stock with just 11 watts!). ive been keeping mushrooms under this light who have been growing and multiplying over the last 7months, and just got some zoa frags so wanted to get some more lights. now i think ill be able to upgrade to 29watts which is a big improvement, but still not alot of light!


in addition to the corals above (shrooms, rics, zoas, blastos, caulastreas) do you think leathers would do okay under 29watts as well?

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heres a link to my tank thread if you want to see it as is with 11 watts after 10 months.



the red shrooms that you see in the pic are new babies (probably 3 months old), the originals were fragged because they were approx the same size as the big fluffy shrooms (maybe 3 inches across - to big for a nano i think!) you cant see them in the photo, but there are loads of tiny red shrooms all over that rock, i'd expect them all to be an inch or so across in a month or two .


you can see that the fluffy shrooms are stretching, thats another reason i want to upgrade. the fluffies have only been in there for 2 months or so. bear in mind the zoas and star polyps have only been added recently, not sure how they would go long term, but they are all opening and not stretching to the light very much (but then they are also at the very top of the tank)

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oh also you can see the porites sp. that hitch hiked on my original LR when i first started the tank. its about half way up on the LHS (near six line) and is about the size of a golf ball. i though this would die after a few months, but it is still alive, im not sure how. the underside never gets any light because its shaded by the rest of the coral, and that side has died, but the upper portion (everywhere thats not shaded) is still alive. its really surprising.

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Thats awesome Carlz. From what I've seen your corals are growing well. I've never run a salt tank on anything besides normal output so it encourages me as well when others are successfull with low-light tanks.


I've never personally tried leathers...I think if they came from a medium to low light tank they would do fine.

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