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Innovative Marine Aquariums

too much movement in a 40??


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setting up a new 40 gallon reef. here's what i have on deck for water movement: MJ1200 for the main pump (driving skimmer) centrally placed off rear wall, 2 seio 620's - one in each lower corner, aimed at center of front wall, 2 MJ600's and one Azoo 1800 hooked up to a wavemaster pro positioned to eliminate any deadzones. the reason i purchased the 620's was because i read the seio pumps wouldn't work with a wavemaker set-up. my calculations puts this total GPH at 2330 of which 800 is wavemaking. way too much for a 40?

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I think that the Mj1200 and the 2 seios would be fine. I have a mag 7 through 2 returns and a power head that puts out about 150gph and that seems like the perfect amount. I may up that when i start getting into sps but for now with softies and LPS, it is good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No I don't think the Seio's will work on a wavestrip, as Tunze's don't. As for too much flow, I believe this to be a fairly subjective thing. However, I will give you my experience. I have a 30 gal Oceanic cube and was running a mag 5 for a return with a mag 7 on a closed loop with a SCWD. For me, the flow wasn't enough. As of now, I've completely taken down the closed loop and added not one but two Tunze 7300's and I LOVE the flow. No detritus build up anymore and the top of my water looks like a jacuzzi. The corals I have absolutely love it (sps and zoa's and suprisingly my ricordia have never looked so good). Flow IMHO is the next most crucial thing next to lighting and I love me some high flow!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second thedude15810 Flow is often understated in reef tanks. I am shooting for 40x-50x turnover an hour in my 40g I am setting up, so about 1600-2000gph. If you are set on having ph in the tank then I would get Maxijets and put them on a wave timer, otherwise a closed loop with a scwd or om squirt would work. Its amazing what flow can do for both beauty and health in a reef tank.

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have been running all 5 pumps in the tank for 3 weeks now. 2 seio 6's running all the time (top part of tank), with 3 maxijet 600's controlled by the red sea wavemaster (positioned at the lower levels). one of the lower 3 maxijets has one of those small tube heads attatched, with 4 pieces of tubing buried in the sand and blowing up through my 3 main rock towers. have noticed a little diatom bloom on the sandbed, but water perameters are very good, having no real ammonia spike at all (used cured rock from lfs) added snails and a few crabs last weekend. water still holding steady. no ammonia. no nitrites. very little nitrates. plan on adding a fish 02 two this coming weekend. will be able to comment more on the flow rate after i see how the fish react to it.

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I have a 20 gal high, mostly sps. I have a Velocity t3 (800 gph I think) on a closed loop. A MJ1200 and MJ900 behind my rocks and a quiet one 1200 as a return from my sump.

Everything is loving it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

remember people,

it is not uncommon at all to have 40x the total tank volume in flow, usually it's 20x for filtration, and another 20x for flow in main display, especially if were talking sps.

just remember how turbulent the ocean is, and how vital appropriate water flow is for water quality.

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