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Possible Acan Lord?


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I was told this was a favia but uchiha said that it could possibly be an acan lord. The polyps are about 1/2 inch. It is not quite that green but is pretty close. These are a few quick shot that i took.











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that coral u got there is a tough one. it looks so similar to acan lord, yet the further back shots make it look like favia...but can't be sure w/o a closer macro or a shot of some bare skeleton. can u post either of those?


edit: and pics of feeding tentacles would help too.

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when the lights go off, you'll notice them open up and extend their feeders. you can then feed them and switch on the lights to take some pics while they are open like that.

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I'm leaning towards favia. Not just the looks... but truly finding a w/c acan coming in of that size and color is just a LOT less likely than favia.

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I'm leaning towards favia as well. But the very first shot is what threw me off. I've seen an acan lord colony just recently that looked very similar to that.


but the other shots point towards favia.

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

... some bare skeleton...

this guy wants you to kill your coral so he can ID it. i'll tell you what... just send me a frag and i'll run it through my DNA machine and let you know

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not kill a piece. take pic if some piece is already dead. =P


but better yet, frag a piece and send to ME and I can positively ID it for you thru my DNA machine. I have one in my closet.

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

I'm leaning towards favia as well.  But the very first shot is what threw me off.  I've seen an acan lord colony just recently that looked very similar to that.


but the other shots point towards favia.

Pili4444, the first shot was what got me thinking that it looked like an acan lord.... the others are right when they say that it's hard to find something like that commonly for sale (especially that color). after reviewing those other pix you snapped, it does somewhat look more like a favia to me. try to get a CLOSE-UP shot of a few polyps... what would be better would be skeleton shots. with those we can tell for sure.


remember what i said in ur thread, acan lord polyps are "usually" pretty large, roughly 1'' in diameter, it's possible that you can have lords 1/2'' in diameter, but they're usually bigger. work on getting some close-ups.


EDIT: i just saw the picture above... it still throws me off. my guess is some sort of odd-ball LPS (if not a lord)... b/c to me, if someone told me it was a lord, i'd believe it.

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i'm gonna say not a lord. poke it a little to get the coral to retract it's flesh...if you can see INDIVIDUAL, SEPERATED corallites connected with a greyish base(between the corallites) then you may have a lord. otherwise, trying to id a coral based on its color and shape is impossible.

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I think its a favia also. I was looking at lots of pics and its not as fleshy as an acan lord and shape of the polyps is a little different. It does look pretty close though and i had the experts stumped for a little while which is cool enough for me.

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didn't stump this acan expert though!! :D


still, that's a gorgeous favia...if you're ever fragging it...lmk. i'd like a frag!

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i want a favia! that one looks awesome. and an acan. anything with mouths so I can feed mysis shrimp :D

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That's just about ANY LPS, babycakes. Euphyllia spp. (Hammer, Torch, Frogspawn), Favia spp. (Brains), Favites spp. (Brains), Echinophyllia spp., Mycedium spp., Cynarina lacrimalis, Blastomussa spp., Acanthastrea spp, Trachyphyllia spp., Lobophyllia spp., (this could go on almost forever so I'll stop now..lol) etc. etc..




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