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Innovative Marine Aquariums

tank attracts flies


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The other day I opened the front door to let some people in, and a housefly came in. Went straight to the tank. I kept waving it off, but it insisted on the tank's lid. Over and over. I could not slap it, since the stupid eclipse stand is wobbly and didn't want to disturb it. Nor I could spray. Finally, I killed the fly.


A few days later, the same thing. And then, same thing over, but with several flies. This time I let the flies be, and they stayed in the tank's lid for days without moving. Finally, I killed them, as they became sluggish. There were no other flies anywhere else.


What could be so attractive for a fly in the tank's lid? Is it the salt creep? The warmth? It's like my tank is a piece of crap, or what? Sorry about the strange post, I thought it was curious.

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maybe they're attracted to the actinic light. you know like those fly zappers that have a blue bulb incased by an electrified cage.

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ahh, good point, haven't thought of that! But, they tend to stay on top of the tank, over the black lid, where light isn't visible for them. Strange...

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