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Innovative Marine Aquariums

to mod, or not to mod


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I'm kind of torn between modding my current light fixture, or taking the lazy way out and buying a pendant. I have a 24" Orbit 2x65 PC that I was trying to sell, but now I'm considering modding a 150w DE mh into it. (See KrackerG's thread http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...&threadid=26375) This will be going over a standard 15g AGA (24x12x12) - not the high version. Do you think a 150w pendant will be enough light for SPS and clams? Or will the modded Orbit be the better way out? One way or another, I'll be making a purchase on friday when I get paid..

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Thats what I was thinking... I'm no wiring expert by any means, so I'm a little hesitant in doing a mod. Now the only questions is... 150w or 250w ??? 250 might be overkill for a 15gal.... Anyone?

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I did that mod to my CSL fixture with a 70w but since then have purchased a 150W MH and ballast to replace it. The mod itself is fairly easy to do.

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Originally posted by IntegraAZ

I did that mod to my CSL fixture with a 70w but since then have purchased a 150W MH and ballast to replace it.  The mod itself is fairly easy to do.


The only thing I'm nervous about is the heat. Did you upgrade the fans? If so, is it hard to wire them in?

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