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Innovative Marine Aquariums

plate coral in 5g


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I want to add two or three more items to my 5g.

I currently have 8lbs figi

3 lbs live sand

peppermint shrimp

some blue legs and astreas

sebae clown

green brain



2x13w pc, one 6400k one combo


Everything looks healthy. However, three weeks ago, I lost a hairy finger coral (to disease I believe-it was really quick and none of my other corals were affected so I'm pretty sure my water quality is fine). Particularly since the alveopora is growing and looking good I think my water is good. And obviously all of my tests are good (ph, amm, ni, ni) though I still need to start testing for Ca and alk I know.


I was thinking about a small plate coral for my sebae. I have heard they are hardy, and I have the perfect place to put one where my sebae hangs out and it would be far enough away from my other corals so as not to sting them.


I was also thinking about some blue shrooms, and maybe a gsp. What do you guys think, any suggestions?

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After further research, I don't think I will do it. Fungia seem to be much easier to keep, but I don't like the way they look. Heliofungia seems a bad idea.


Any other good coral suggestions? Xenia, shrooms, zoos?


BTW, sebaes don't get that big do they? I thought 3"-4" max?

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4" seems pretty big for a 5 gallon ;)... But I won't pass judgement, only you will know what you can do with the tank. I have a maroon in a 12 gallon (I take flack for it all the time too). But he is VERY happy there (and he is little over an inch long, and has been in the tank for over a year). Anyway, If you have room on your sand bed, a fungia might work out fairly well. CoralDynamics.com sells really cool plates that are slightly larger than a quarter... I have two in my tank right now, and they are growing very quickly (could help that I feed them :P ). I would however avoid GSPs in a 5 gallon. IMO their fast growth will become problematic in your tank.

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