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Coral Vue Hydros

Ice Probe Chiller HELP!!


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I am planning on mounting the chiller on the side of my AC500 Fuge and I was wondering what I could use to drill it without cracking the side wall. Please Help!! Chiller is coming in Tomorrow. Thanks

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we used an inch and a quarter round metal bit with a starter bit inside, it worked well and we drilled slow. we mounted the chilled in the bottom of our 500 fuge because of the wieght and size it worked out well.

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After you drilled and intalled the iceprobe chiller, did you have any problem with the joints leaking? Thanks for your help!

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i dunno if i would put that on the side of the ac500...i'm thinking the weight of the probe would cause the filter to crack/leak. i just wouldn't drill into any ac filters just cause the plastic is so sleight and brittle. it seems like an accident waiting to happen to me.

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i thought about this, because i may have to employ this in the future you could probably use a dremel or a wholesaw bit, or any bit really. I would seriously reconsider putting it on the side of the filter though as like everyone said that would be alot of stress.



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I decided to install the Ice Probe on the bottom of the AC500.I never realized how thin the wall of the AC500 is. Thanks for looking out!

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