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SUPER HOT 12g nc dx


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my nano is super hot! its at 89 f what can i do to cool it down! i have already:

1:adjusted the heater,

2:unpluged the heater,

3:opened my window!


what else can i do to cool my tank down? gsp are already sucking in! :*(

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Open the hood.


You can also use a fan to blow air across the water surface (but that'll cause evaporation, so in a 12DX check the SG level regularly).

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums



For immediate attention, take a large ziplock preferably freezer type. Add ice cubes to the back, make sure the bag is ziplocked and open the feeding door, place bag in. Make sure the lip of the ziplock is out on the surface, so it wont float around.


One bag will bring temps down by 3 degrees. Refill with ice as needed. Good luck...



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thanks mike i think that will really help!


but what would you guys do for a more permanent thing!


and im not abouit to buy a chiller! dont have that kinda money!

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its always been kinda hot like low 80's and then i stuck my hand in and it was freakin hot! then i looked at the thermomiter. and it was somewere between 87 and 90

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums



In the mornings before you leave to work or school, OPEN THE FEEDING LID TO THE TANK AND LEAVE IT OPEN!!! This will allow the tank to breathe and hot air will escape and not transfer into the water...


You also need to double check you heater, I think it's broken. There is no way it should be at that range, it's definitely something othre than just lights...


Check out that heater and get new one, try the EBO jagger, they are considered the BMW of the heaters.... German made!!!



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shao-lin nano

putting ice into the tanks seems like a good idea but it drops the temp too dramatically. sudden changes in anything could shock your inhabitants.


living in so cal is hard especially during the past few days and with summer coming up it could be hazardous. i picked up a chiller, no choice.

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get rid of the stock pump will probably bring it down 2-3 degrees..replace with maxijet606. I do not use a heater at all.. I live in florida. also prop open feeding door will also drop a degree or two.

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