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red glitter zoas


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Picked these up from soreviv4476. First time I ever seen these zoas. They look awesome. Hope they are fast growers. :)





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i used to have some just like that. they came allllll the way from brazil! they didn't grow at all for quite some time...then i added my mh and they took off. then, a month later, they died from a weird bacterial infection. i'm still hurting. :*(

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Well I got mh so hopefully they'll grow fast. Sucks to hear what happened to yours. If I get a nice colony going I'll send you some if you like.:)

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sounds good tim...i know i've got lots of nice zoos to trade nowadays! :D just let me know when you've got enough to frag out!


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Hey yoshiod9 have you solved the fade problem with the zoas in you av yet? Or do you have any more to trade/sell if you solved it?

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