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Cultivated Reef

TetreTec Filter as surge wave device?


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I've been contemplating this for a while. To me it seems like a tetratec power filter would make a descent surge device on a small nano reef.

What do you guys think? Has anyone tried this yet?

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Christopher Marks

This has been discussed in the past. I actually was just able to see one in action this weekend, and it does 'surge' quite well IMO. I think some opinions on it where that the filter is loud, or no noticeable effects are seen from it.

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I have one on my 37G fish only and it is about the worst purchase I have ever made in my 13 years of salt water exprience. It is extremely noisy, I have tried removing the lid due to vibration, using two filters rather than four, adjusting the timing of the surges, leveling the filter box....... The thing is junk!!! It leaves an enormous amount of salt residue on my lights and sound like a bad bathtub drain with its constant gurgling. I think the principle is a good idea but needs a great deal of improvement. I am much happier with my Powersweep powerhead which seems to be a sore subject with a lot of people but has worked well for me for 3 or 4 years with just a little normal cleaning now and then. For the same amount of money you could get one of those outlet strips with the timers built in to alternate powerheads. If you are looking for filtering and the ability to add carbon occasionally use an Aquaclear.

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I don't have one, but I've heard that they're terribly noisy, and most people who've bought them want to smash them to bits.


Too bad, because they COULD be ideal for nanos.

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The weird thing is, I've seen one in action at my local Big Als store. It was running, but not on a tank with any fish. Just a tank that they demo like 10 filters on. And it seemed quiet. None of the gurgling and whatever sounds everyone says.


I'm wondering if its due to the media clogging and effecting the design, in which case it should be a problem only as a surge device because no media would be required. I also like the fact that the nozzel outputs can be rotated and thus aimed. I see a nifty motorized sea swirl type diy project.

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AZDesertrat, how often do you clean your powersweeps? Mine stop after about a month but work fine after a quick vinager dip and a good rinsing out. I haven't had them long, but like the effect they have.



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The tetratec does gurgle and will always gurgle when it is functioning properly. I am currently using mine without any media for just waterflow along with powerheads in my 20gal. The gurgling is caused by the siphon that creates the alternating flow. Thus if there is no gurgle, there will be no "wavemaker." I don't find the gurgle at all annoying, after awhile it you don't even notice it. One thing to consider though....I've had to replace the impeller and it is only 1.5 months old. According to tetra, the impeller will fail frequently if you are using the filter in a tank with a sand substrate..that kinda sucks.

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I have the sponge prefilter on my Powersweep and rinse it out once a week. I remove the powerhead and clean it about once every 6 weeks. I have had this one for over 3 years now and it is still going strong, people complain but a little maintenance is all it takes. No more than anything else in my aquariums.

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