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Burn in time for pheonix?


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Just got my 14k pheonix bulb, and wondering how long it usually takes for these things to burn in?


Looks almost exactly like my Ushio 20k right now.


Took some before and after pics but they look the same....so how long do i gata wait here??

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SE or DE? I have been looking for the 250w SE, and can't find them anywhere. Where did you find it? I think burn in for MH bulbs is around 100 hours. Are they really that blue? I also didn't realize Ushio make a 20k bulb.



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Had them for about 3 weeks now, I would said for me seemed like 1 week, but I run 12hr photoperiod. They are not that blue after a week, more pale blueish white, best bulbs around, same as Aquaconnect bulbs. Perfect blend of white n blue in my opinion.:P

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yeah ill post up some pics. its actually just a weeeee bit more blue then the ushio right now. It seems to be making some of the corals glow a bit more. If the corals keep this color but the water whitens up a bit ill be very happy.


and I run a 10 hour photo period.


oh and its a 150w DE


and yeah im looking for a 250w SE one of em as well, but I dont think they make em. Might have to settle for a hamilton.

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I think most say 100hrs for a bulb to burn in. I think it took my 20kk AB about two weeks, but I started out with a 2hr photoperiod(went from a 70w 10kk to a 250w 20kk).

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I have a Hamilton 14k 250w DE Bulb and it has been running for about and week. It started out looking like a 20k, but now it's less blue, and I don't mind if it got alittle less blue. I am only running an 8 hour photo period though...

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I run mine on an Advanced ballast, which runs it a nice blueish white, very cool light blue, which for me is perfect, I dont suppliment as it looks quite blue enough, and my corals love it. I just bought 7 sps, and some tortugas in green and blue tiped, and they've all brightened up more. My Monti is now bluish purple, with orange polyps.

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