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When to add macro?


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I'm looking for a science-based answer, if possible. My tank has been cycling nearly 3 weeks. there has been a spike in ammonia, and then nitrite. Now nitrates are peaking. Is it a good time to add a macro algae?

Should all levels be 0 before adding cleanup crew?




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I would say to do it. Have you had your algae bloom yet? You may want to wait until you get plenty of algae in the tank, then get the critters to eat it. ;)

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Thanks Ko--I've got some diatoms in the sump on the rubble in there. I'm not running the halides yet, so that display looks beautifully clean. I want to be one step ahead of the problems, if possible, though.


Any confirmations on Kogut's suggestion to add?

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Add your macro algae now, clean-up crews don't eat nitrates ;)...as long as your ammonia and nitrites are down it is safe to introduce clean up crews...provided that there is something to clean up. I would start running your halides now to burn them in and also to get some diatom build up in the display for the snails.

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rbaby- much appreciated! I'll contact a local reefer today and see if she can give me that chaeto I asked about.

I run the halides a couple hours a night sometimes while i'm watching tv or something. should i just fire 'em up 4 hrs a night or so?


Thanks again,


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Run it as you would if you had livestock in there. You want to be able to start stabilizing your system and know if your clean-up crew can handle the algae growth that will be growing in your tank with regular lighting schedule(s).


You don't want to run your lights for 2 hours a day, and get SOME algae build up thinking it's all nice and clean, then start running it 8 hours a day once you get corals only to find out that your clean up crew was completely inadequate or outnumbered by the algae.

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