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Top Shelf Aquatics

Nitrite kit acting funny


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I was testing my water, and my nitrite kit is giving me some weird results. It's a Aquraium Pharmaceuticals Nitrite Kit. After I add the drops and shake it up, it looks like 2.0, then 5.0, then 2.0, 1.0, and then .5. If you let it go for another few more minutes, it seems to go to 0. What on earth is going on? ???



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i use the same kits. never noticed my nitrite test do that though. just make sure you are following the instructions exactly. i'd try returning it and getting a replacement if you are concerned.

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Yes, I am doing the the test exactly as it says. Just a few minutes ago, I used this test my freshwater tank (this test is for both fresh and salt). I got no weird results from that. I will test my nano later today, and see if I still get wacky readings.



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