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As requested: Show off your Zooanthids!!


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Like Korbin said, its the lighting..


I have a 400W HQI with 20K bulb plus 2 actinic VHO on my tank, EVERYTHING brightens up!


Regarding to Zoas..they will grow in all range of lights..It doen't seem like they are bothered by my strong lights or anything..if anythin..they grow FASTER! I also target feed my Zoas to accelerate their growth..use a turkey blaster, smash up some brine shrimp/raw shrimp/scallop..mix it with Kent Coral-Vert..and squirt them directly over the colony..


Gil - Yes man..i got more! some awesome light Blue ones..and some ricordias

..how does Paul like he's Zoos now? is he ready for more? how about a few ricordias..lol


Vince - Come by anytime man! I had problems with my Cell Phone yesterday so i didn't get any phone calls..but its ok to call now..or simply drop by tonight..you said you will be back around 7-ish? that should be good..

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The zoos are almost all open now (about 90%) and the blue ones look great!!!!! The ricordia looks awsome too. I will be taking pics probably today and I will post when I get a chance.



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take the colony out..rip them into smaller colonies and put them back!


oh..if attach to LR..take a hammer and screw driver..start hammering away ..



seriously..its that simple! I have never lost a polyp yet~

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So I just RIP em off?


Question being that I'm gonna go out and get me some. Law restricts me from taking LR, and I don't wanna either, seeing as how I've got a shotload of aiptasia.


My plan was to dive out w/ some plastic jars/containers and extrude them from their bases, thought I had to coax them off or something.


But...if you say so.


Then, how do I affix them back onto a base?


Gosh, aren't I needy with all the questions??? Thanks.



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Ok here are the zoos I got from TheLogicalReef.com and sorry if the colors don't look great but my halide isn't on yet.....just the generic 20w bulb.


It took them around 6 hours to open up nice and in 24 they were fully expanded. A few of these pieces even had bristle worms on them :D and one had a aiptasia (it's in one pic but has since been removed).







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nice pics, physh1. Did he charge you extra for the apasitia :P? Those green and pink ones are awsome.


My LFS has some (and others) on 3"x3" rocks. Theres about 20 or so polyps per rock. They're selling the rocks for $40 each. Is that too much. Sounds like it to me.

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Nice pics Cameron. Hope you didn't mind the bristles, I always try and nuke any Aptasia...but they are sneaky :) Hey, a bonus is a bonus!


Thanks again and I hope they spread well for you.



Korbin - at the risk of shamelessly plugging myself (that didnt sound right :) ) $40.00 for 20 polyps sound a tad steep unless they knock your socks off with color.


I know Anthony has got some beauties around here as well. I'm sure one of us could get you some cheaper and prettier....right Anthony :)


Peace guys and thanks for all this very nice support here on Nano-reef.



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that is the whole reason to do combined shipping..and with Zooanthids..i find it no problem shipping it second day..They are hard to kill..hahahhaa



I do agree shipping is a pain ..i am so glad i am in california, where i can find rare and awesome stuffs for cheap!


Cameron - HOW MUCH DID U PAY FOR THOSE FRAGS??? for that size..i only charge $5-7 per frag at that size...

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  • 2 weeks later...

What does it mean when zoos balloon out at the head? I've noticed it on a few occasions.


In fact, looks like one of deskjockey's is doing it during the picture. (bottom of the upper cluster in the bottom pic).

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Hey. I live in Missouri. My tanks are all the ocean I get to see. So would you be willing to sell me some zoo frags? Prefrably those delicious red fellers. Or am I too far?


Rock on foos.

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