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20 gallon setup I need help deciding


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I am planning to start a saltwater reef with 2 ocellaris clowns and royal gramma basselet I am trying not to overstock. Anyway here is hat I think I would like my setup to be and I just need to no what I am lacking with a reef that has soft corals, hardcorals and inverts(such as anemones)in other words "the works". I am planning on having a 20 gallon long with 30lbs of live rock. For the substrate two 20lb bags of Arag-alive reef sand. For the filtration I am getting an Eheim 2026 professional II canister filter. I am also thinking about getting a lifeguard FB300 fluidized bed filter with a quiet one pump to pump water into it. I have a seaclone 100 venturiskimmer. For lighting I am thinking about an Orbit 30" 2X65 Watt compact flourescent strip light with 50/50 bulbs. I am alsothinking about getting an aquafuge refugium to grow macroalgaes in. I am equipping the refugium with a 24" corallife aqualight 1X65 watt compact flourescent strip light. I need to know what else I am lacking for a reef tank thanks for any comments in advance .

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Well, for starters, I would ditch the canister filter, and use the money to upgrade your lights to metal halides, especially if you want to keep anemones and stonies.


I would also recommend starting with just 1 20lb bag of sand, and just stick with dry sand. It will eventually get seeded from your live rock. This will go a long way in a 20 gallon tank, unless you're looking to have more than 2" of a sandbed.


It sounds like you've read a lot, and you're off to a good start. If it were my tank, I would keep it as simple as possible, using live rock for filtration, having a decent skimmer, maybe a fuge, and doing weekly water changes. You can always add more filtration later if you feel the need, but I have a feeling that it won't be necessary.

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Angel Higuera

The 24" Orbit should be fine IMO. I have 40LBS of LS in my 20 AGA w/o a problem but 20 LBS is OK too.


BTW...I have an EHEIM PRO 2226 for sale which is the same as the 2026 PRO II but without the priming feature. Im selling it for less than half the new prise of the 2026. Here's the link, let me know through PM.....



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How deep is your sandbed with 40lbs of sand in it? I would think that would take up almost 1/3 of the entire tank, but maybe I'm wrong.

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Angel Higuera
Originally posted by CRAVIN CRITTERS

Dont add an anemone It is for experts onl It will die and will nuke your tank and use no filters.


I agree with the anemone part but you can use the filter for carbon (chemi pure/phosban/purigen) and floss (poly filters/phosphate pads). I would'int use it with the bio media though. The 2226 would act great in helping with flow too eliminating the use for a power head.



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