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bristle worm predator!


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Want to try something fun?

Catch a bristle worm( I can find lots in my cheato) and feed one to your cleaner shrimp. He will love it and it is really fun to watch. I never knew that cleaner shrimps ate bristle worms.

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i use a chop-stick... don't know why but I have used a chop-stick to feed my tanks ever since i started.

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you know I have never been stung by a fireworm. I handle them barehanded. Even large ones 6+". Could never figure it out....hands of steele ,maybe?? LOL

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Well they dont really start to bug you until later. When you're typing and the one in your finger decides to fire off.

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My black perc will eat the little ones but, the bigger ones he just picks up and throws around. Funny to watch even though once in a while she'll get a few hairs stuck around her mouth. She's well fed but still hunts them down for a snack.

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