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Coral Vue Hydros

Help ! Fishes are dying


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Need help. Two weeks ago I lost 1 clownfish and a damsel. I had the water checked and showed no signs of abnormality. Went through with 20% water change as suggested by my LFS. They also sold me a packet of liquid additive (can't remember the name right now)they said would help the tank overnight. I bought another clownfish last night, after having the water checked and turned 100% normal. This morning I found my newly bought fish dead on the sand. What could it be? Any thoughts, anybody.....

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Define "normal" for us regarding your water. We need exact levels (and the had all better be 0). How long has the tank been up? How big is the tank? All of those things are needed to diagnose the problem. Also, what did the dead fish look like? (Patches of white fuzz, bite marks, etc.) Give us all the info and we'll probably be able to help you out. ;) Sorry for your loss, though.

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I feel like i'm not worthy of this group, since i didn't really bother knowing the levels of my water. All I know is that I had my LFS check the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH and alkalinity of my water and they said it's all perfect. That's why they sold me the fish. I know they won't just con me on getting one just to make a profit. I went last Sunday and told me to wait a couple more days before getting one again. I also checked the salinity level and was a little above around 1.023 if I can remember it right. The tank has been for about 1 1/2 months now. I have xenias, mushroom corals and a couple of polyps. They all looked fine to me. Also have two snails and a couple of reef hermits that won't leave my corals alone. Wonder why too? Please help.....

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Well you should eventually invest in your own test kits so that you can test quickly when bad things happen. ;) But... Perhaps you're just getting unhealthy fish from the store. If you xenia are doing well then your water is fine. How are you acclimating your fish? A sudden shock (like just putting them in the tank) could be their downfall... :

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Thanks again. I place the bag in my tank for at least 30 minutes before letting them go. Would you happen to know why my reef hermits go on top of each other?

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you need to acclimate better than that. The water in the fish store likely has a much lower salinity level. Ask them what it is and then check yours. You should put new fish in a bucket with the water in the bag. Then slowly drip water via platic tubing, like 2-3 drips per second.

When you place a fish in water(your tank) that has a higher salinity than the water they were originally from(the LFS) there cells can shrink up due to osmosis. The body fluid of the fish is lower in salinity than its surroundings, therefore the water is trying to reach equilibrium.

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what fish store are you talking about. I bought a fish from a petco and it already started dying at the store. I didnt realize it was dying till it did.

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I stay away from Petco stores. I'm lucky to live around where there's a handful of good tropical fish stores.

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